Thursday, March 17, 2011


1 st  em g f# em
I can see the blackness in your eyes,  em D(e) em
we will never live until we realize,  em D(e)  em
that the ship is starting to sink, am  c  g
we'll be gone forever try not to blink.  em d  em c
(chorus)Why do we step on the rose, g d em c
or block out the sun,  em d
when everyone knows, am c g
it's hard to stop a rampage once it's begun?-- em d(e) em g
Time goes by, am c g
as little children learn to cry, d em am c
and why, oh why, am c g
do all the heroes have to die? em d em c 
just hold me close and never lie. g d g c
Try to think my friend, g f# em d
try to see, g d
if you don't watch where you're going, c am g
you'll find yourself at the end.(chorus) em d em
Go ahead and keep your smile, em d em
live it up while you have a while, g d c g 
but don't lose your head today, am c g
you'll need it later to find your way. em d em c
Time, time goes by, am c g 
concrete doves start to die, (same ones from Echo on Thurs.) em d em c
as we block out the sun, em d
please stop the rampage before it's begun... em d em g

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