♫ Enchantment – Erised http://spoti.fi/16PMkaJ http://routenote.com/r/Erised/5051813587214
I saw you walking the other day,
been so long, didn't know what to say,
love's been lost, I feel so cold,
empty feelings with nothing to hold.
(chorus)But I'm here still waiting,
in this enchantment,
and I love you,
why don't you love me?
Love's a hunger that can't be denied,
I wish I saw that behind you're eyes,
watch me starve, waste away,
ever longing till my dying day. (chorus)
Darkness grips me giving into the night,
never knowing, never feeling your light.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
♫ Blanket – Erised http://spoti.fi/14VjXvh http://routenote.com/r/Erised/ 5051813587214
It's long past the hour now,
see the stars fall like rain,
I'm here to wash your fears away,
and take away your pain.
With this blanket of love I surround you,
I'll keep you safe and warm,
I'm here, I'm here for you always,
to protect you from the storm.
chorus)So close your eyes, baby of mine,
baby don't you cry, baby of mine,
until tomorrow, when you can shine, shine, shine,
in my arms you'll stay, baby of mine.—
It's long past the hour now,
I see the stars in your eyes,
I'm here to wash your fears away,
and show you love never dies.
With this blanket of love I surround you,
and shelter you from the night,
I'm here, I'm here for you always,
you're not alone in your fight... (chorus)
Saturday, September 28, 2013
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Want to get your music on iTunes? Check out RouteNote!!! It's easy to set up with no start-up fees!!!
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♫ Iron – Erised http://spoti.fi/18zDpPe http://routenote.com/r/Erised/ 5051813587214
IronYou weren't the one to entrust,
I thought you would make it okay,
what you leave me is rust,
nothing but slow decay.
wash away,
you can never stay.--
You weren't there for me,
I thought love would last,
what I feel can never be,
nothing but the past.(chorus)
Time ticks away,
soon it will all run out,
I have things to say,
but there's nothing to talk about.(chorus)...
Friday, September 27, 2013
♫ Nickel – Erised http://spoti.fi/1beCXGP http://routenote.com/r/Erised/ 5051813587214
NICKELNickel angel show your pastel face,
bundle me in your warm embrace,
soft and sweet melting the cast off sleet,
you strive to be alive again.
(chorus)Dance the dance of ages,
your lips form a smirk,
your bible's lost it's pages,
and in my back sticks a dirk.--
Alas, my love, you do me wrong,
life was to have clarity,
in the shadows we walk along,
joined hand and hand in conformity.(chorus)
Nickel angel do you still have any worth?
you weren't meant for this Earth...
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Between the Covers
Between the Covers
A Cover a Day 1
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/SomebodyThatIUsedToKnow.mp3 Gotye- Somebody That I Used to Know
A Cover a Day 2
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/TheScientist.mp3 Coldplay- The Scientist
A Cover a Day 3
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Blackbird.mp3 The Beatles- Blackbird
A Cover a Day 4
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Hallelujah.mp3 Leonard Cohen- Hallelujah
A Cover a Day 5
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/NightsInWhiteSatin.mp3 Moody Blues - Nights in White Satin
A Cover a Day 6
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Disarm.mp3 The Smashing Pumpkins- Disarm
A Cover a Day 7
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/DontFadeAway.mp3 Dead Can Dance- Don't Fade Away
A Cover a Day 8
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/DustInTheWind.mp3 Kansas- Dust in the Wind
A Cover a Day 9
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/FireRain.mp3 James Taylor- Fire & Rain
A Cover a Day 9a
Emily - Twink
Twinkle, Twinkle,
Little star,
How I wonder what you are...
A Cover a Day 10
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/GreenIsTheColour.mp3 Pink Floyd- Green is the Colour
A Cover a Day 11
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/IfIWereACarpenter.mp3 Timothy Hardin- If I Were a Carpenter
A Cover a Day 12
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/IfYouCouldOnlySee.mp3 Tonic- If You Could Only See
A Cover a Day 13
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/KathysSong.mp3 Paul Simon- Kathy's Song
A Cover a Day 14
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/LoveSong.mp3 The Cure- Love Song
A Cover a Day 15
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/MercyStreet.mp3 Peter Gabriel- Mercy Street
A Cover a Day 16
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/RunningToStandStill.mp3 U2- Running to Stand Still
A Cover a Day 17
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/StairwayToHeaven.mp3 Led Zeppelin- Stairway to Heaven
A Cover a Day 18
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/TheHollow.mp3 A Perfect Circle- The Hollow
A Cover a Day 19
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/TimesLikeThese.mp3 Foo Fighters- Times Like These
A Cover a Day 20
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Wonderwall.mp3 Oasis- Wonderwall
A Cover a Day 21
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/3fTheLedge.mp3 The Replacements- The Ledge
A Cover a Day 22
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/3hhJackiesStrength.mp3 Tori Amos- Jackie's Strength
A Cover a Day 23
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/WildWorld.mp3 Cat Stevens - Wild World
A Cover a Day 24
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Thirty-Three.mp3 The Smashing Pumpkins Thirty-Three
A Cover a Day 25
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/SheWillBeLoved.mp3 Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
A Cover a Day 26
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Imagine.mp3 John Lennon - Imagine
A Cover a Day 27
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/FridayImInLove.mp3 The Cure - Friday I'm in Love
A Cover a Day 28
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/WithOrWithoutYou.mp3 U2 - With or Without You
A Cover a Day 29
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/WreckOfTheEdmundFitzgerald.mp3 Gordon Lightfoot - The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
A Cover a Day 30
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/CrashIntoMe.mp3 Dave Mathews Band - Crash into Me
A Cover a Day 31
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/TuesdayAfternoon.mp3 Moody Blues - Tuesday Afternoon
A Cover a Day 32
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/BlowingInTheWind.mp3 Bob Dylan - Blowing in the Wind
A Cover a Day 33
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/CatsInTheCradle.mp3 Harry Chapin - Cat's in the Cradle
A Cover a Day 34
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/NeedleTheDamageDone.mp3 Neil Young - Needle & the Damage Done
A Cover a Day 35
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/ForEmilyWheneverIMayFindHer.mp3 Paul Simon - For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her
A Cover a Day 36
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/ZiggyStardust.mp3 David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
A Cover a Day 37
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/TurnThePage.mp3 Bob Seger - Turn the Page
A Cover a Day 38
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/LightningCrashes.mp3 Live - Lightning Crashes
A Cover a Day 39
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/TheRiver.mp3 Bruce Springsteen - The River
A Cover a Day 40
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/LosingMyReligion.mp3 REM - Losing My Religion
A Cover a Day 41
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Freshman.mp3 The Verve - Freshman
A Cover a Day 42
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/SimpleMan.mp3 Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man
A Cover a Day 43
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/InTheFlesh.mp3 Pink Floyd - In the Flesh?
A Cover a Day 44
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/AnotherBrickInTheWall.mp3 Another Brick in the Wall
A Cover a Day 45
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Mother.mp3 Pink Floyd - Mother
A Cover a Day 46
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/HeyYou.mp3 PINK FLOYD - Hey You
A Cover a Day 47
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/NobodyHome.mp3 PINK FLOYD - Nobody Home
A Cover a Day 48
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Vera.mp3 PINK FLOYD - Vera
A Cover a Day 49
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/ComfortablyNumb.mp3 PINK FLOYD - Comfortably Numb
A Cover a Day 50
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/SomebodyThatIUsedToKnowErisedLiveChardonBrewworks4-20-13.mp3 Saved the best for last!!! My favorite cover with Leanna & Emily Smith Somebody That I Used to Know Erised live @ Chardon BrewWorks 4-20-13
A Cover a Day Bonus Day!!!
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/SevenBridgesRoad.mp3 Eagles - Seven Bridges Road
A Cover a Day 1
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/SomebodyThatIUsedToKnow.mp3 Gotye- Somebody That I Used to Know
A Cover a Day 2
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/TheScientist.mp3 Coldplay- The Scientist
A Cover a Day 3
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Blackbird.mp3 The Beatles- Blackbird
A Cover a Day 4
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Hallelujah.mp3 Leonard Cohen- Hallelujah
A Cover a Day 5
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/NightsInWhiteSatin.mp3 Moody Blues - Nights in White Satin
A Cover a Day 6
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Disarm.mp3 The Smashing Pumpkins- Disarm
A Cover a Day 7
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/DontFadeAway.mp3 Dead Can Dance- Don't Fade Away
A Cover a Day 8
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/DustInTheWind.mp3 Kansas- Dust in the Wind
A Cover a Day 9
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/FireRain.mp3 James Taylor- Fire & Rain
A Cover a Day 9a
Emily - Twink
Twinkle, Twinkle,
Little star,
How I wonder what you are...
A Cover a Day 10
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/GreenIsTheColour.mp3 Pink Floyd- Green is the Colour
A Cover a Day 11
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/IfIWereACarpenter.mp3 Timothy Hardin- If I Were a Carpenter
A Cover a Day 12
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/IfYouCouldOnlySee.mp3 Tonic- If You Could Only See
A Cover a Day 13
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/KathysSong.mp3 Paul Simon- Kathy's Song
A Cover a Day 14
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/LoveSong.mp3 The Cure- Love Song
A Cover a Day 15
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/MercyStreet.mp3 Peter Gabriel- Mercy Street
A Cover a Day 16
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/RunningToStandStill.mp3 U2- Running to Stand Still
A Cover a Day 17
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/StairwayToHeaven.mp3 Led Zeppelin- Stairway to Heaven
A Cover a Day 18
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/TheHollow.mp3 A Perfect Circle- The Hollow
A Cover a Day 19
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/TimesLikeThese.mp3 Foo Fighters- Times Like These
A Cover a Day 20
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Wonderwall.mp3 Oasis- Wonderwall
A Cover a Day 21
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/3fTheLedge.mp3 The Replacements- The Ledge
A Cover a Day 22
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/3hhJackiesStrength.mp3 Tori Amos- Jackie's Strength
A Cover a Day 23
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/WildWorld.mp3 Cat Stevens - Wild World
A Cover a Day 24
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Thirty-Three.mp3 The Smashing Pumpkins Thirty-Three
A Cover a Day 25
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/SheWillBeLoved.mp3 Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
A Cover a Day 26
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Imagine.mp3 John Lennon - Imagine
A Cover a Day 27
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/FridayImInLove.mp3 The Cure - Friday I'm in Love
A Cover a Day 28
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/WithOrWithoutYou.mp3 U2 - With or Without You
A Cover a Day 29
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/WreckOfTheEdmundFitzgerald.mp3 Gordon Lightfoot - The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
A Cover a Day 30
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/CrashIntoMe.mp3 Dave Mathews Band - Crash into Me
A Cover a Day 31
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/TuesdayAfternoon.mp3 Moody Blues - Tuesday Afternoon
A Cover a Day 32
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/BlowingInTheWind.mp3 Bob Dylan - Blowing in the Wind
A Cover a Day 33
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/CatsInTheCradle.mp3 Harry Chapin - Cat's in the Cradle
A Cover a Day 34
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/NeedleTheDamageDone.mp3 Neil Young - Needle & the Damage Done
A Cover a Day 35
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/ForEmilyWheneverIMayFindHer.mp3 Paul Simon - For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her
A Cover a Day 36
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/ZiggyStardust.mp3 David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
A Cover a Day 37
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/TurnThePage.mp3 Bob Seger - Turn the Page
A Cover a Day 38
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/LightningCrashes.mp3 Live - Lightning Crashes
A Cover a Day 39
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/TheRiver.mp3 Bruce Springsteen - The River
A Cover a Day 40
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/LosingMyReligion.mp3 REM - Losing My Religion
A Cover a Day 41
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Freshman.mp3 The Verve - Freshman
A Cover a Day 42
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/SimpleMan.mp3 Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man
A Cover a Day 43
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/InTheFlesh.mp3 Pink Floyd - In the Flesh?
A Cover a Day 44
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/AnotherBrickInTheWall.mp3 Another Brick in the Wall
A Cover a Day 45
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Mother.mp3 Pink Floyd - Mother
A Cover a Day 46
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/HeyYou.mp3 PINK FLOYD - Hey You
A Cover a Day 47
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/NobodyHome.mp3 PINK FLOYD - Nobody Home
A Cover a Day 48
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/Vera.mp3 PINK FLOYD - Vera
A Cover a Day 49
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/ComfortablyNumb.mp3 PINK FLOYD - Comfortably Numb
A Cover a Day 50
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/SomebodyThatIUsedToKnowErisedLiveChardonBrewworks4-20-13.mp3 Saved the best for last!!! My favorite cover with Leanna & Emily Smith Somebody That I Used to Know Erised live @ Chardon BrewWorks 4-20-13
A Cover a Day Bonus Day!!!
http://archive.org/download/SaulSimeonSongbook/SevenBridgesRoad.mp3 Eagles - Seven Bridges Road
♫ Lead – Erised http://spoti.fi/1eKucIo http://routenote.com/r/Erised/ 5051813587214
"Don't fill me with lead," the poor man plead,
as the thief looked away,
"I've got a family you see,
and they all need me,
so don't take me away."
"But I must," the thief said,
"you have yet to ever bled,
and don't think I won't make you pay,
you have breathed your last breath,
your time is here I'm your death,
and today is your dying day."
The man began to squirm,
when the thief's eyes confirmed,
that it would be over sooner then said,
the gun was swift, as the thief's fatal gift,
knocked him dead.
"Goodbye walleye, you are but a fish I have fried,
let the waves just take you away,
whether there's a Heaven or Hell,
you'll be the first to tell,
I'll see you on All Soul's Day..."
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Daisy Child
♫ Daisy Child – Erised http://spoti.fi/185TpHQ http://routenote.com/r/Erised/ 5051813587214
Daisy Child(chorus)Laugh, daisy child, laugh, laugh and joy will run free,
shine, daisy child, shine
shine for all the world to see,
smile, daisy child, smile,
always as sweet as can be.--
Daisy child laugh,
laugh and make it okay,
daisy child, daisy child,
this day's begun for you,
for you...skies remain...forever blue.
Daisy child shine,
shine like the sun,
daisy child, daisy child,
this day's begun for you,
for you...skies remain...forever blue. (chorus)
Daisy child smile,
smile bright and true,
daisy child, daisy child, daisy child,
this day's begun for you,
this day's begun for you,
We'll always love you,
for you...skies remain...forever blue...
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Twink (Emily)
♫ Twink (Emily) – Erised http://spoti.fi/175792o http://routenote.com/r/Erised/5051813587214
Twinkle, Twinkle,
Little star,
How I wonder,
What you are...
Twinkle, Twinkle,
Little star,
How I wonder,
What you are...
Monday, September 23, 2013
Show Me (Pride)
♫ Show Me (Pride) – Erised http://spoti.fi/1faokJr http://routenote.com/r/Erised/ 5051813987151
Show Me
I cannot calm the rain
I cannot warm your pain
Why do you keep on counting on me?
I cannot erase your hate
I cannot face your fate
Why do you keep on counting on me?
(chorus) Why can't you show me your weakness?
Oh and let yourself go...
Are you afraid to show me?
Because I already know...
I cannot be your faith
I cannot save your grace
Why do you keep on counting on me?
I cannot break your chains
I cannot change your ways
Why do you keep on counting on me? (chorus)
Why can't you show me your weakness?
Oh and let yourself go... show me, show me your weakness,
Are you afraid to show me? Let yourself go
Because I already know... show me, show me your weakness
can't you show me your weakness?
Because I
already know...
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Doppelgänger (Lust)
♫ Doppelgänger (Lust) – Erised http://spoti.fi/1f7rCNM http://routenote.com/r/Erised/ 5051813987151
DoppelgängerHow did you disappear?
Who was that by your side?
Which one of you was real?
You both moved as one
I could see her move my love
Harbinger of death
Or a doppelgänger in my head
One of you grew tired
The other stared at me
As I tried to touch the phantom
I am haunted by your face
A face stained and bleeding
With sadness in your eyes
You both moved as one
I could see you move my love
Harbinger of death
Or a doppelgänger in my head
In my head…
You said you saw her too
Just before the end
When she took your life from this world
You both moved as one
I can see you still my love
Harbinger of death
Or doppelgänger in my head
In my head…
A ghost rider comes my way
I see you dressed in black
A glimpse into my future
It is you that I see...
Harbinger of death
Doppelgänger in my head
In my head…
Which one of you is real?
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Fallen Star (Wrath)
♫ Fallen Star (Wrath) – Erised http://spoti.fi/15Ugifd http://routenote.com/r/Erised/ 5051813987151
Fallen StarStanding up at the water’s edge,
Pushed me too close to that tempting ledge,
Now we’re strangers, it feels so rough,
Left with fears I wasn’t good enough…
Fallen > Star >
Damaged, feeling so dead inside,
The pain of being cast aside…
Fallen > Star >
(Chorus) Brothers Compromised,
Prophesy of lies, Drowning Eyes,
However, Bright you are, Fallen star…
I need to let go, to move on,
Thoughtlessly gone, you were depended on,
Offended, wronged, betrayal deep,
You’ve changed brother, the real you sleeps…
Fallen > Star >
I want you to suffer as I,
A love, closeness I was denied…
Fallen > Star > (Chorus)
The words you preached were never true,
Music, it seems still escapes you,
Rhythms you’ve lost in broken time,
Under the Water’s Icy Rhyme…
Fallen > Star >
Ego made you unable to see,
Angry there is no room for me…
Fallen > Star > (Chorus)
Friday, September 20, 2013
Erised Android App!
Free Erised Android App! Erised now on Amazon & iTunes!!! http://rvrb.fm/16kiuLj
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